KEPET People

Nikos Papadakis

KEPET Director

Professor at the Department of Political Science, Director of the University of Crete Centre of Training and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM), Member of the Scientific Board of the National Centre of Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA)

Yiannis Karayiannis

Person in research charge

Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete

Kostas Lavdas

former Director

Professor & Director of International Relations Division at the Department of International, European and Area Studies of Panteion University, former Professor & Vice Rector of the University of Crete

Stelios Tzagkarakis

Field Manager

PhD holder by the Department of Political Science, University of Crete, Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Political Culture Standing Group, Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University


  • Tilemachos Iatridis, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete
  • Gerasimos Karoulas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete
  • Maria Vlahadi, Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Lamprini Papantoniou, PhD, Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Peggy Tsakiraki, Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Political Science, UoC

  • Dr Maria Drakaki, PhD in Political Science of the Department of Political Science, UoC.  Contracted Teaching Staff at the University of the Aegean. Adjunct Lecturer at the Hellenic Open University.
  • Dr Ioanna Lytrivi, PhD in Political Science of the Department of Political Science, UoC. MP of the Hellenic Parliament. Deputy Minister of Education, Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports (Greece).
  • Dr Georgia Dimari, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Dr Marinos Chourdakis, PhD in Political Science of the Department of Political Science, UoC. Adjunct Lecturer at the Hellenic Mediterranean University.
  • Christos Zacheilas, PhD in Political Science of the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Dimitris Tsiakiris, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Manthos Lidakis, PhDc at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Sofia Saridaki, VET Teacher, MA LLL, former Researcher at the  UNESCO Institute for LLL, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Dimitris Kritas, Political Scientist, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Nikos Kosmadakis, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Theodora Koutsaki, (BA, MA), PhDc at the Department of Political Science, UoC.
  • Dr Nikos Lekakis, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science, UoC, Collaborating Teaching Staff at the Hellenic Open University
  • Dr Nikos Papadatos, (former) Contracted Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science, UoC – Historical Researcher. Email:
  • Despoina Karamintziou, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Thodoris Chrysanthos, PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Georgios Radamantys Chourdakis , BFA New York Institute of Technology, MA University of the Arts London- London College of Communication, PhD Candidate at the Hellenic Open University
  • Dr Toth Szilard, PhD, Researcher at the Institute of Political Science of the Centre for Social Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. Visiting Researcher at the KEPET. email:

KEPET Distinguished  International Research Fellows

  • Andy Green, Professor of Comparative Social Science at the UCL-IoE, Director of the ESRC- funded Research Centre LLAKES/ UCL, UK
  • Tien- Hui Chiang, Distinguished Professor at the Anhui Normal University, China, Vice President of the RC04 of the International Sociological   Association, UNESCO.
  • Stephen Rosow, Professor of Politics, State University of New York at Oswego & President of the Interdisciplinary Studies Section (IDSS) of the International Studies Association (ISA), USA
  • Piotr Kimla, Professor & Chair in International Relations and Foreign Policy at the Faculty of International Relations and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Panos Liverakos, PhD Political Science (SUNY), Senior Expert at the UNDP/ ACSH, UN

KEPET Associated Researchers

  • Antonios Angelakis, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Crete
  • Giorgos Stamelos, Professor of the Department of Education Sciences and Social Work , University of Patras
  • Vasilis Dafermos, Professor & Director of the Laboratory of Social Statistics at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Dimitris Kotrogiannos, formerProfessor at the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Vaggelis Tzouvelekas, Professor and former Head of the Department of Economics of the University of Crete, Scientific Director of the Public Opinion Research Unit (POp.Run) of the University of Crete
  • Stella Kyveloy, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic and Regional Development of the Panteion University
  • Ivi Mavromoustakou, formerProfessor & Director of the Laboratory of Public Policy and Administration of the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Evaggelos Venetis, PhD University of Edinburgh & Researcher at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
  • Maria Basta, Professor at the Medical School of the University of Crete
  • Giorgos Margetis, PhD Computer Science, Laboratory Staff at the Institute of Computer Science, FORTH
  • Antonis Papargyris, Political Scientist (BA, MA), Research Director of the GPO
  • Sifis Plymakis, PhD in Political Science, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese
  • Argiris Kyridis, Professor at the School of Early Childhood Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , former Chair of the Hellenic Sociological Society
  • Aris Alexopoulos , Professor of the Department of Political Science, UoC
  • Zaharias Stagakis, Lawyer, BA, MA Law School of the Democritus University of Thrace
  • Stavros Kaoukakis,  IT expert, Consultant at the Region of Crete